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Basic knowledge introduction
20th of July ,2023

1. Natural attributes

Aluminum is a kind of light metal. Its compounds are extremely widely distributed in nature. The aluminum content in the crust is about 8%(weight), second only to oxygen and silicon, with third place. Among the metal varieties, second only to steel, it is the second largest metal. Aluminum has special chemical and physical characteristics. It is one of the most commonly used industrial metals today. It is not only lightweight, strong in texture, but also good ductility, conductivity, heat conduction, heat resistance and nuclear radiation. It is a national. Important basic raw materials for economic development.

The proportion of aluminum is 2.7, and the density is about 1/3 of the general metal. The conductivity of the commonly used aluminum wire is about 61 % of the copper, and the heat conduction is half of the silver. Although pure aluminum is soft and rich in ductility, it is still reliable and cooled to make it hardened. Aluminum ore is an important source of aluminum. It requires two pounds of aluminum aluminum ore to make a pound of aluminum aluminum, and one pound of metal aluminum also requires two pounds of alumina.

2. Classification of aluminum varieties

According to the main ingredients of aluminum ingot, it can be divided into three categories: advanced pure aluminum (99.93%-99.999%of aluminum content), industrial high-pure aluminum (99.85%-99.90%), industrial pure aluminum (98.0%of the content of aluminum 98.0% -99.7%).

3. The quality standard of aluminum

The quality of aluminum ingot must meet the national standard GB/1196-1993 standard. Among them, the aluminum content of Al99.80 and Al99.70 must not be less than 99.80 and 99.70. According to national standards (GB/T1196-93), it should be called "re-molten aluminum ingot", but everyone is used to "aluminum ingot". It is produced by an electrolytic method with an alumina-ice spar. After entering the industrial application of aluminum ingots: cast aluminum alloy and deformation aluminum alloy. The cast aluminum and aluminum alloy are produced by the casting method to produce aluminum castings. Transformed aluminum and aluminum alloy are produced by pressure processing methods: board, belt, foil, tube, rod, line, line and forged. According to the national standard of aluminum ingot for redemption, "the aluminum ingot for redemption is divided into 6 brands according to the chemical composition, which are Al99.85, Al99.80, Al99.70, Al99.60, Al99.50, Al99.00" (Note: The numbers after AL are aluminum content). At present, some people call "A00" aluminum, which is actually aluminum with 99.7%purity aluminum, which is called "standard aluminum" in the London market. Everyone knows that my country's technical standards in the 1950s came from the former Soviet Union. "A00" was the Russian brand in the Soviet National Standard. "A". If it is in line with international standards, it is called "standard aluminum". Standard aluminum is an aluminum ingot containing 99.7%aluminum, and it is registered in the London market.

4. The main purpose of aluminum

In the past 50 years, aluminum has become one of the most widely used metals in the world. In the construction industry, due to the stability of aluminum in the air and the excellent appearance of the anode treatment, it is greatly applied; the aviation and national defense military sectors also use aluminum alloy materials; Reinforced aluminum cables; in addition, car manufacturing, container transportation, daily necessities, household appliances, machinery and equipment, etc. need a large amount of aluminum.

With the rapid development of the national economy, my country has gradually become a "global processing base". Basic industries such as steel and colored have flourished. In recent years, electrolytic aluminum production has increased, making China the largest aluminum production country in the world.

At the same time, my country is also playing a significant role in the global aluminum market. Due to the strong growth momentum of demand in my country in recent years, the changes in the fundamentals of China's supply and demand have directly affected the balance of aluminum markets through international trade.

However, there are many uncertain factors in my country's raw aluminum supply. This uncertainty comes from the continuous tightness of the alumina supply, and partly due to the shortage of power caused by the disadvantages of China's system. Due to the limitation of its own resources and the influence of insufficient investment in the fields of mining and primary mineral product development, it has made serious shortage of raw materials in my country in recent years. 10,000 tons of alumina.

In addition to raw materials alumina and electrical energy issues, the government has begun to implement restrictions on the supply of raw aluminum supply higher than domestic consumption growth parts, the purpose is to control the current overheated electrolytic aluminum industry. However, whether it is power shortage or alumina supply, the overall impact of Chinese aluminum production is limited.