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Why is stainless steel also magnetic?
11th of July ,2017

People often think that magnet adsorption stainless steel, verify its merits and authenticity, do not absorb no magnet, think is good, real value; In fact, this is an extremely one-sided, not practical wrong way of identifying.

Stainless steel has a wide variety of at room temperature according to the organizational structure can be divided into several categories: 

Auschwitz: such as 304, 321, 316, 310, etc.; Martite or ferrite body type: such as 430, 420, 410, etc. ; 

Australe is non-magnetic or weakly magnetic, and Martite or ferrite is magnetic. Most of the stainless steel commonly used as decorative tube plates is Auschwitz-type 304 material, generally non-magnetic or weak magnetic, but due to smelting caused by fluctuations in chemical composition or different processing status may also appear magnetic, but this can not be considered counterfeit or unqualified, what is the reason? 

The above mentioned that the austracite is non-magnetic or weakly magnetic, while the marten or ferrite is magnetic, due to the smelting of component dissociation or heat treatment, will cause a small amount of marten or ferrite tissue in the Austrate 304 stainless steel. In this way, the 304 stainless steel will have a weak magnetic. In addition, 304 stainless steel after cold processing, the organizational structure will also be converted to the Marth body, the greater the deformation of cold processing, the more marten conversion, the greater the magnetic steel. Like a batch of steel belt, the production of the 76 tube, no obvious magnetic sense, the production of the tube of 9.5. 

Because of the larger magnetic sense of deformation, the production rectangular tube because the amount of deformation is larger than the round tube, especially the corner part, the deformation is more intense magnetic more obvious. In order to completely eliminate the magnetism of 304 steel caused by the above reasons, the stable Australasic tissue can be restored by high temperature solid solubility treatment, thus eliminating magnetism. 

In particular, the magneticity of 304 stainless steel caused by the above reasons, and other materials of stainless steel, such as 430, carbon steel magnetic is not the same level, that is, the magnetism of 304 steel always shows weak magnetism.